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The secret life of paintings

Lumenal Code animated the following two paintings by Dan Cohen, using HTML5 animations that are fully cross-browser compliant. The best part? These paintings come to life with Layar ( Point the app at the following images, and click around in them to animate the paintings. If you don’t have a smartphone, or don’t want to…

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Boldstage Mural SXSW 2013

  We painted an interactive mural for The Doritos Boldstage at South by Southwest 2013. Each panel of the mural springs to life when you scan it with Layar, and application for tablets and smartphones. Visitors using the layar app activated animations and social-media content that was displayed on top of the mural, digitally using…

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Weird Times Comix

Weird Times Comix Stories are architecture; The stories we tell each other about what is real, the ways we can thrive, and how we should treat one another form the structure that encapsulates our lives. We become so convinced about the veracity of these stories that they are as concrete as the ground beneath our…

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